Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Assorted Photos

Mongolian corn dogs.

Contemporary fashion with a traditional flair - Mongolian couture straight from the runway!

Our guides arguing about the car in the Gobi.

I am a mighty warrior.

Giant sand dune in the Gobi.

Ice in the desert? See for yourself.

The ankle bone flicking competition at the Ulaan Baatar Nadaam Festival - in this competition, each competitor 'flicks' a plastic piece (traditionally the ankle bone of a sheep or goat) at a tiny target about 10 feet away.

Wrestlers from the 'Little Nadaam' in Hutag Onder - Mongolian wrestlers perform what is called the 'Eagle Dance' (pictured above) as a way of honoring the Gods, their opponents and the audience.

^ It was hard to leave Mongolia knowing that there were hotties like this around.

Gobi Camels.

I think this graffiti looks kind of like it says "I heart Dana."

The obligatory "out the window of the train" shot - taken out the window of the Trans-Mongolian train to Erdenet.


Eowyn said...

Awesome! I can't wait to see the rest! :o)

Angel said...

great pics, dude.